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Live Webinar: The Sales Manager's Dilemma - Too Busy to Get Better

In today’s highly reactive environment, most sales managers simply don’t have the time to develop or apply the skills that are required to achieve transformational results. Too often, sales managers find themselves trapped in a self-perpetuaing, viscious cycle in which they spend too much time analysing and reporting on their teams’ performance, deflecting their efforts away from what really matters: leading the sales team to improve its performance.

If, as a sales manager, you believe that you are too busy to get better or you believe that you or some of your people would benefit from taking a fresh perspective on the role of sales management, join Steve Eungblut for a live webinar session at 11am (GMT) on Wednesday 3rd June.

In this 1 hour session, Steve will throw light on how you can make the shift from being in a seemingly helpless situation to being able to take control of your destiny, drive your company’s sales results and actually enjoy what you do.

During the webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Be more effective as a sales manager.

  • Get a better balance of work, results and home life.

  • Grow personally and pave the way for moving to the next level of sales leadership.

Page updated at 16:56 Friday 12th June 2015.

Live Webinar: The Sales Manager's Dilemma - Too Busy to Get Better